My Recovery and Other Things You Don't Care About

The steps and stages in my recovery from surgery and the end of a six year relationship that resulting in my wonderful son

Location: Around. Honolulu mostly., Hawaii, United States

I'm an insomniac. It leads to a number of different, interesting things.

Thursday, November 03, 2005

Letter to Renell 1 Nov 2005

I don’t know where you going to stay, I presume at
this point you intend to move in with Rick for the
sake of Ryen’s school, but when you do finally make a
decision please let me know so that if I need to I can
contact you.

Today was….a bad day for me. That’s about it. I should
have come to accept much earlier that this wasn’t
healthy for either of us. Denial is a painful thing.
Regardless, what’s done is done and I’m finally
prepared to move on. We do however still have some
things to work out.

If you are going to be living in town, I would still
like to see Ryen regularly, even if it’s just after
school or for dinner. I don’t think such a setup is
unmanageable. We also need to figure out some of the
logistics behind the money issues. You still need to
pay $70 for the minimum payment on the credit card by
the 7’th. We still need to decide what you want to do
about child support payments, Ryen’s school tuition,
etc. These may seem trivial to you, but they aren’t to
me. You’ve indicated that you want this to affect
Ryen as little as possible; I think that at this point
that’s difficult to accomplish. Where we stand and how
Ryen is impacted are important considerations and
putting off resolving them isn’t good for either of us
or for him.

For the next few weeks I’ll have very little to do. If
you’re not job hunting, it would be a good time to get
some of these issues settled. You’ll have my full
attention during recover. I’m disappointed that it had
to come to this sort of all-or-nothing scenario but as
I said in the letter to you that was on the door, I
should have expected it. I would ask though that we
have a conversation in person as I need to try and
reduce the amount of time I sit in front of the
monitor during recovery.

I guess I just didn’t realize how much of a lost cause
even a congenial relationship with you was. I will
probably always be disappointed both in myself and in
you but, as you have already done, I will take this as
an opportunity to move forward. Where that will lead
is anybody’s guess, but again, like you, I’ve finally
come to terms with it and won’t look back anymore.



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