My Recovery and Other Things You Don't Care About

The steps and stages in my recovery from surgery and the end of a six year relationship that resulting in my wonderful son

Location: Around. Honolulu mostly., Hawaii, United States

I'm an insomniac. It leads to a number of different, interesting things.

Saturday, February 10, 2007

Feb. bleh.

I don't know what it is about this time of year but I'm just not a big fan of Feb. Pretty much the whole month. I mean yeah, there's Valentine's Day but that's basically tax day for romance.

On the flip side my dad, Ryen and Renell are all born pretty much within a week of each other. I actually missed my dad's birthday this year. Tried calling him on the 7'th but didn't get an answer. Ryen's on the 13'th. There's supposed to be a party for him.

It's also bloody freezing lately. Granted, not as cold as some of the places on the mainland, I mean it's not -20 or anything like that, but it's cold for Hawaii and I'm a warn weather people.

Other than having a crappy month, it's mostly just the norm. Work, occasional sleep. I have a friend staying here for a couple of weeks while she finds a new place to live so there's that...Eh whatever. I need to sleep more.


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