My Recovery and Other Things You Don't Care About

The steps and stages in my recovery from surgery and the end of a six year relationship that resulting in my wonderful son

Location: Around. Honolulu mostly., Hawaii, United States

I'm an insomniac. It leads to a number of different, interesting things.

Wednesday, January 10, 2007

I have always been the one to walk away

Never with enough courage to satnd up for my beliefs and convictions on things that are trully imporant. Maybe because I cared too much, maybe because I have no fucking spine, I don't know. But I've been the one to quit. To give up. At work, I say stuff like that when we're having a hard time and I mean it as a joke. "Ah, fuck it, this PBX is too hard, I give up." With other stuff, I say it and I'm serious. There are a few times I never really gave up, where I wasn't the one who quit. In some ways that makes me stronger and in others weaker. I amy not be the one who gave up, but I'm also guilty of not doing more to make it better. Some things, like my horrid spelling, you can fix with the right tools (that I'm not using) and somethings you just can't fix, or change or will into sucess. Ao I am \stronger for perservering though the crap, for not being the first one to cut out on possibilities, and yet I'm the weaker for it, knowing that it's now failed, what good was it to be the one to cling tohope where there is none? How am I stronger for failing to see what the poorest blind fool could see? I am weaker for not having the fortitude to be the first to leave, even if I am stronger for having hope. Life's little conundrums. Fucktastic.

Oh, incidentaly, a riddle one of my former students was asked today at a job interview. So you're locked in a room made of titanium, there are two doors, one on the left and one on the right. There's also a small window and you can see that outside the left door, is a huge fire-breathing dragon that will burn you to a crisp then eat you if you open the left door, and out the right door is a giant magnifying class that will focus the suns rays and burn you to a crisp if you oepn the right door. Which door do you go open?

there are two godo answers for this and one that i like better. The most proper answer is that you wait until night then go out the right door. The next most proper answer is you wait until the dragon falls asleep then go out the left door (remember the window so you can see if it's night or the dragon is asleep). The answer that I like best is that you open both doors, use the magnifying glass to burn the fucking dragon then see if it tastes like chicken.

Nothing much else of use. Had a short meeting with Renell today, was supposed to go over more stuff for Ryen, some tax stuff, etc. but she was pissing me off. We were supposed to have lunch, she got busy at work, was supposed to meet me in teh evening as I was packing for the Dallas trip but she comes over, spends 15 minutes taking a shit at my place because she doesn't want to use a public bathroom at eh restaurant they just ate at, Rick calls says she has 15 minutes left, and I'm thinking, okay, no, I have a bunch of stuff, 15 minutes isn't going to cut it, can you ask him for more time? No. Okay, fine then fuck you, get out. So she left. That and the phobia about public restrooms. I seriously don't understand this bitch.


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