My Recovery and Other Things You Don't Care About

The steps and stages in my recovery from surgery and the end of a six year relationship that resulting in my wonderful son

Location: Around. Honolulu mostly., Hawaii, United States

I'm an insomniac. It leads to a number of different, interesting things.

Sunday, May 14, 2006

this is just getting stupid

Seriously now, the only time I'm posting things on here anymore is when I have severe insomnia. Don't get me wrong, I find it relaxing and a good way to work out things in my head, but this is a disturbing trend.

Mother's day coming up. As far as Ryen's mom is concerned, I really have no idea or concept of what the hell to do. It's disturbing to me on so many levels. Her cousin is getting married, which emans the whole family is flying over to Hilo next weekend for the wedding. Rick and his daughter are going with them. Supposedly they've already had some conversations about marriage. That disturbs me to some extent, I think I'm just more pissed off than really bothered. You don't go from seven years to being cool with that kind of shit in seven months.

But at least it's not bugging me much anymore. It still seems fairly sickening, but mostly I'm just annoyed.

In the mean time work and writing's been keeping me busy. some of the stuff on the other blog of random thoughts has been getting a pretty decent audience and may get pusblished in book for which I find highly amusing. Work's been good, even though it is somewhat stressful with the product launches coming.

Oh, and hey, so I'm on some crazy ass mailing list. They sent a pack of gum, seriously, chewing gum to my old home in Kona. Who is "they"? Beats the fuck out of me. But I'm on someone's list, and they didn't even spell the name correctly. Crazy. When was the last time you got gum in the mail?


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