My Recovery and Other Things You Don't Care About

The steps and stages in my recovery from surgery and the end of a six year relationship that resulting in my wonderful son

Location: Around. Honolulu mostly., Hawaii, United States

I'm an insomniac. It leads to a number of different, interesting things.

Friday, December 21, 2007

Christmas poem

‘Twas the week before Christmas, and sitting in his apartment
Reid sat and pondered, how fast this year came and went
Some friends have got new kids, and mine’s almost seven.
That makes me feel old, oh good Lord in heaven.

But things have gone well, won employee of the year
Found this thing called Chimay, my new favorite beer.
No current girlfriend, but a couple new ex’s
Got to travel for work, even spent time in Texas

Still haven’t been arrested under the DMCA
But Beowulf sucked, I downloaded that yesterday
Some of my writing got published, which was kind of cool
But all I got for it was a t-shirt, so I’m kinda the fool

And sitting here I realize I’ve got too much free time
I got to write this all out, even made it rhyme
So I’m off to make dinner in this waning evening light
Merry Christmas to all and to all a good night.


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