My Recovery and Other Things You Don't Care About

The steps and stages in my recovery from surgery and the end of a six year relationship that resulting in my wonderful son

Location: Around. Honolulu mostly., Hawaii, United States

I'm an insomniac. It leads to a number of different, interesting things.

Saturday, March 01, 2008

Fossil Customer Service

I had a Fossil watch with a dead battery that I just got replaced. I have to say, I'm rather impressed. Since about 8'th grade I've almost exclusively worn a Casio G-shock watch. I like them a lot. The features are good the display is easy to see, they last a pretty long time. The only thing that pissed me off was the cheap pastic/rubber bands they used. So the last time my G-Shock died I finally decided to get a decent watch with a metal band. Got a good deal on a Fossil watch that I had for a couple of years and then the battery kicked. Girlfriend at the time bought me a different one, still a Fossil, that I've been using ever since. It's a good watch. The display could use a light so I can see it in the dark but other than that it's great. So I was digging around the other day and decided to see what it would cost to get the battery replaced. On my way back from a debate tournament this afternoon I stopped by a Fossil store and asked to get the battery replaced. I walked out of there with a new battery and now a second working watch free of charge. I'm not sure if it's policy to replace watch batteries for free, the clerk quoted me at $10 when I came in.
Maybe because it was a Fossil watch but I walked out ten minutes later with a new battery free of charge.
If that is Fossil's store policy it's a smart one. A watch battery costs them maybe 30 cents and 10 minutes for a idle clerk is basically 0 when they're paid to be there anyway. Keep your customer's happy and understand that your clerks are the front line in customer service. Considering the savvy of many consumers and the options out there, customer service is basically your best marketing now. I still like the features on the G-Shock and I still think my current watch nees a damn light but I like then enough to keep using the watch(es) that I now have and probably enough to keep going back and maybe buy other crap from them. I don't really think I need a leather messenger bag and more sunglasses but I would certainly buy another watch.

Even if it wasn't really their plan it, maybe I just got a nice clerk, it's still enough to make me happy to be a customer and if unintentional, all the better.

So things you can learn:
1. Do right by your customers
2. Customer Service is your marketing
3. wearing two watches at the same time looks kinda tacky.


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