My Recovery and Other Things You Don't Care About

The steps and stages in my recovery from surgery and the end of a six year relationship that resulting in my wonderful son

Location: Around. Honolulu mostly., Hawaii, United States

I'm an insomniac. It leads to a number of different, interesting things.

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

odd dreams

I just had two very weird dreams...probably more but two that I remember.

In the first one I was living back in Kona and Ryen was with me. My brother was in his last year of Med school and soon to graduate. The part that I remember in particular about this was the internal sense of uneasyness with regards to Ryen, like there was something I was missing. I don't remember too much of the actual plot of the dream, I remember the punchline really strongly as it had caused me to wake up in shock for a few seconds. The punchline was that somehow I had only now figured out that because Ryen (in the dream, not real life) was the product of my former step mother, technically his uncle (my brother) was also his half brother and his grandfather was his former step-uncle of whatever the fuck. Trying to figure out the titles made my head explode (figuratively) in the deam an I woke up. That was weird but the second was weirder:

the second one I was living in Southern California but working at a theme park. I don't know which exactly but it wasn't a Disneyland or Knot's Berry. Maybe a six flags. In the begining of the dream I thought it was a vacation, but as it turns out I was there because I had decided to start a new job, but hand't told the company I currently work for.

So the friend I was staying with, who carpools to the same theme park with a group of people of vaguely african, asian and/or latin descent, myself and her carpool gang go to the park onw what is my first day of work. Only I don't where the hell I'm going of what I'm supposed to be doing.

In particular, I remember when we got to the employee parking lot in the van there was something ont he radio that was still playing, an interview with someone, that we all wanted to listen to the end of, so we all continued to sit in the car util it was done. When it was over we got out and the rest of the carpool went off to work. I followed people around for a few minutes until someone saw me and recognizes me and tells me to come on. So I played along and acted like I knew what the hell was going on. Apparently they knew I was new and there was this kind, homely blonde lady who got me my orientation packet and led me to a big group meeting.

At this meeting, things were just starting when the guy I knew, who was apparently my boss, was giving out assignments for the day. Without knowing what other possible assignments there were, I heard him talking about "I know none of you like to work the call center and we usually only have two stations running, but I've added five today so we need some people to work the call center stations." since that was sort of a job I had done and figured I would wing it through a day at a call center and figure out what the hell was going on later, I asked if I could work the calling and was given one of the stations.

Only a couple other people had volunteered to work in the call center and basically it was a couple of computers and phones setup in the front of the meeting room we were already in. I explained that I wasn't entirely comfortable with this, if for no other reason than I didn't even know what the hell this call center was for, but I didn't go into much detail about the fact that I didn't know what the fuck was going on.

The guy I saw, who ended up being my new boss, was vaguely asian and kinda reminded me of Harold from Harold and Kumar Go To White Castle, but not really. More assertive, he just looked kinda like Harold. He said that since it was my first day he would have a little patience and go through calls with me the first few times. I still don't remember if we were calling people, or people were calling us.

I somehow edned up on the phone with a guy in a bank that was being robbed. Since I was using a headset and didn't want to disconnect the call to dial 911, I pulled out my cell phone, dialed 911 and when the operator answered, asked to be connected to a PSAP in southern california, again I don't remember exactly where. Once I got the PSAP, I was the relay between the person in the bank and the operator. and it worked, flash forward a bit and I get the word from the guy in the bank that he's okay, the cops rescued them and I put down my headset with shaking hands then tripped a few times and knocked into tables and things on my way out the door to take a few minutes to collect myself.

The other people in the call center, once they heard me acting as the relay between the person in the bank and the operator sort of knew what was going on and got really, really interested, I had started to draw a crowd and when I got up and walked outside without saying an additional word to anyone, I got a bunch of wide eye'd looks as I walked outside, whole body in tremors. I still don't remember whether we called people or people called in to the call center to talk to us. I'd guess the former, except that 6 is right above 9 on the phone keypad and phone companies use 611 to designate the repair/service lines that go to call centers so it would have been easy for a person trying to dialing 911 to get 611 instead.

Because of the 911 call I still had not logged any "sucessful", per whatever the business was, calls, the Harold figure said to me. And so I was asked if rather than work in the call center for the rest of the day, I might want to work somewhere else like running some of the network and security monitoring systems for the park.

odd but weird, nto sure what to make of the whole thing other than that I have a decent imagination that is apparently easy to mess with since earlier in the evening I had been reading Steve Martin's book about his life in which he describes working in various jobs at Disneyland while a teenager.


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