My Recovery and Other Things You Don't Care About

The steps and stages in my recovery from surgery and the end of a six year relationship that resulting in my wonderful son

Location: Around. Honolulu mostly., Hawaii, United States

I'm an insomniac. It leads to a number of different, interesting things.

Wednesday, December 28, 2005

Friends, Coffee, Christmas Shopping and other Randomness 11:17AM 22 Dec. 2005

Christmas is coming; I still have to figure out what to get my dad. I had figured I’d find something when I got here, but I’m still stuck. He’s rather difficult to shop for. I did find something for Russell which is good because I wasn’t sure what he needed for the boat.

I got up this morning at about and made coffee and about 5. I’ve been getting a pretty good amount of work done. At the moment, most of that focuses on editing through the old notes that I had written for the LD debate kids. I keep forgetting to add the copyright info to the notes, oh well. It’s not like they’re getting published anytime soon. At the moment it’s more about getting the content, grammar and structural revisions done than it is about adding the extraneous junk.

I also got a chance to hit up the email, RSS and IM this morning which was nice. I took a look at Maka’s blog again which was a good distraction. She’s been writing a bunch too. Apparently there was some much appreciated (on my end) concern because the last few posts were kind of depressing. I suppose in the moment it could seem that way and I wasn’t exactly ecstatic when writing them, but I look at it more as necessary steps in a process rather than fully depressing bullshit. It’s nice to know I have friends out there.

Aside from the menial tasks and writing work the week has been slow, which is very welcome. I haven’t yet had a chance to post these sets and I image that I won’t get a change to for a while so they’ll come in a large chunk. But hopefully some time this week. I did do a couple of posts on the other random thoughts blog which is fine because time isn’t a consideration. With this, I kind of have to put things in order.

I have also come to recently appreciate again the movie The Story of Us. Not that it’s a great piece of cinema or just for the music (Clapton among others, it’s got a very nice soundtrack) but because it tells a story (duh) and because it seems very honest, even if it is a movie. There’s something about the universality of the pain and emotion that appeals to me right now. There’s honesty in pain and suffering. Plus I’m feeling particularly bitter right now. Anyhow, it’s a good movie and particularly prescient.

Gozilla is on and I have to find something to eat for lunch, I’m getting a bit hungry.


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