My Recovery and Other Things You Don't Care About

The steps and stages in my recovery from surgery and the end of a six year relationship that resulting in my wonderful son

Location: Around. Honolulu mostly., Hawaii, United States

I'm an insomniac. It leads to a number of different, interesting things.

Wednesday, December 28, 2005

Merry Fishmas Eve 3:55PM 24 Dec. 2005

I did some fishing today with my dad and brother. We did alright. Forty-six fish in all, 29 papio in the 3-8 lb. range, 15 nabeta of various size (some pretty decent), a decent sized (7 lb.) weke ula, and an opelu that was about 1.25 lb. the latter two of which I caught along with some of the papio and nabeta. I leave it to my dad and brother to decide what to do with the fish. My dad seems to think we should smoke some of the papio (the larger ones) which seems like a good idea to me, but could end up being quite a bit of work for a relatively small amount of end product. It would be very tasty though. Either way I’ll be headed back to Honolulu with some fish for friends, neighbors and the freezer. Along with what I presume will be a pretty good amount of avocados, some coffee (I also want to bring back some raw coffee cherry so my neighbors can see what it looks like, since they were curious) and hopefully some other fruits. I took a bunch of pictures, so at least I can show Ryen some of the different fish. Oddly, the weke ula, which is a red fish, comes out sort of orange on the picture from the digital camera. Oh well, cheap camera.

Anyhow, kind of a busy Christmas Eve but at the same time pretty mellow since we’re back home and the fish are on ice and everyone’s out of the shower by 4 PM. We’ll be having turkey for dinner tonight. Some opelu poke as well since we have it 

As much as I enjoy the fishing, sitting on the boat feeling for bits and pulling line leaves a lot of time for your mind to wander and sitting around doing nothing while trolling to the place we went bottom fishing is even worse, so there were a few times that things got to me, same stupid stuff, but it comes and it goes. It hasn’t been bothering much while I’ve been here but once in a while it hits me. For example, Ryen left a message on my phone the other day wanting to do something. Apparently he asked Renell why they weren’t living with me anymore and she wasn’t sure what to say to him. Oh well. I wonder what she’s going to say when she gets pregnant again, or when she and Rick get married. Ah but stresses for another day.

For the moment, I’m happy enough to get into the normal routine of the house which is to go to sleep early and get up early. I’ve got the old computer here up and running again so that’s something. I need to get them a wireless router soon. I can send it back with my dad’s Christmas present which I have to ship back when I get home because it wasn’t shipped to me yet. Hopefully it’ll be there by the time I get back.

Guinness with dinner tonight I think.


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