My Recovery and Other Things You Don't Care About

The steps and stages in my recovery from surgery and the end of a six year relationship that resulting in my wonderful son

Location: Around. Honolulu mostly., Hawaii, United States

I'm an insomniac. It leads to a number of different, interesting things.

Thursday, December 29, 2005

Thurs. and Return from Kona

So I made it back Tues. evening from Kona and I've only now finished catching up on all the crap I've meant to do. I had probably over a thousand (and I'm not exaggerating this in the least) emails in various accounts that needed to be checked, some messages to return and some other stuff to get done (bills, banking, etc.)

This morning was pretty amusing. I went in for job testing at Hawaii Telecom for some position with an acronym I can't remember that stands for a job title I was never told in the first place. The test was actually pretty funny. It was shit like reading comprehension, company policy reading, basic math (and they gave you a calculator which I found amusing) and data entry. I can apparently enter 138 characters a minute with 1 error. At least as far as entering employee data from a printout. What I don't understand about shit like that is that if they have it on a printout, didn't someone have to enter all that data in the first place? So I'm just repeating work? Shit, I hope I'm not trying out for a data entry job. I'd have to shoot myself.

I'm taking the rest of the day to catch up on the reading I've missed while away. I finally got through the pile of mail that came while I was gone (thanks to my neighbors for checking my mail 'cause there's no way in Fuck that the little box would have fit all of it). I had wanted to do some cleaning today, but I'm not getting to it until probably tomorrow.

The eye is doing butter which is good, but the vision is coming back slower than I had hoped and it doesn't look like a nice bright future (literally for the right side which doesn't dilate well).


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