My Recovery and Other Things You Don't Care About

The steps and stages in my recovery from surgery and the end of a six year relationship that resulting in my wonderful son

Location: Around. Honolulu mostly., Hawaii, United States

I'm an insomniac. It leads to a number of different, interesting things.

Friday, November 04, 2005

What I Want to Send to Derrick...but won't

I have his email address, from renell and the cell phone number she called using my phone. Honesly if I wanted to find him and tell him this, it wouldn't be too hard. I could probably do it in a couple of minutes. I just don't see the point or how it would be productive. But if I did decide to say something, here is probably how it would go:

I expect this to go ignored and ill received, but I want to say it anyway. From the first time that Renell cheated on me, and those first feelings of pain, I knew I didn’t want to be “the other man.” Rest assured that I have no intention to try to be now. Whatever, little glimmer of hope I had with Renell left long ago and was replaced by coal. But I would have hoped, that you know too what this feels like. I would have hoped that when you wife left you would have recognized the pain that this causes and also seen it worthy of you not to be the other man. Now you are. This isn’t a finger-wagging, I-Hope-Your-Happy kind of rebuff. I want you to know that you have split, not just Renell and I, something which if I think honestly, has been a long time coming, but split now Renell and Ryen and split me and Ryen. She’ll see him when its convenient for her and I’ll see him when it’s convenient for her family.

Just as your wife left you, remember your feelings about the other man and know that I feel them now for you. If you never cared much whether you became the other guy I suppose it doesn’t matter, but if you ever did, then I just want you to understand that is what you have now become.


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