My Recovery and Other Things You Don't Care About

The steps and stages in my recovery from surgery and the end of a six year relationship that resulting in my wonderful son

Location: Around. Honolulu mostly., Hawaii, United States

I'm an insomniac. It leads to a number of different, interesting things.

Wednesday, January 18, 2006

I Did a Stupid Thing Today

It’s been a while since I’ve posted. In large part because things have been busy and pretty much okay. Not great, but tolerable. Today however, I once again have the urge to spend the next few hours drunk off my ass. Unfortunately I have a job interview tomorrow, or I’d spend the next few days drunk off my ass.

As with so many others this is a convoluted story. I’ve gotten to see Ryen a few times in the past couple of weeks which is nice. Once I find work, it’ll probably be a normal work week and since Renell works on the weekends and won’t let me take Ryen without herself being present I should be enjoying this time with him as much as possible. When she left, seeing Ryen was supposed to be something we’d mutually plan and at least schedule. Lately, it’s been at the last minute when it’s convenient for her. This is normally okay as my schedule is somewhat flexible. Today was no different. Well, let’s step back for a second

Yesterday I worked for about half the day before I had an eye appt. at Kuakini at 1:30 PM. Depending on what they need to do this could be relatively quick or take a long fucking time. In this case, they were backed up so I didn’t leave the office until 4 PM. Now I was supposed to have met Ryen and Renell after my appt. because she was going to bring him in to school which is right down the street from Kuakini. They were running late so she decided not to bring him in to school. Okay fine, but we were still going to meet after the eye appt. because she was supposed to get some information from me regarding what I paid for his preschool so she could submit it to CSEA (along long story involving the fact that she never reported any of the money I’ve given to her directly instead of through the child support agency, thus causing the state to say I owe them some crazy amount of money, which I don’t). As they’re getting ready to leave the house (in Ewa) Ryen takes a fall down some stairs and she freaks out. The kid is shocked but pretty much okay. No bruises, nothing big, just a spill down some stairs and he’s running around after a little break. So they get delayed which again wouldn’t be a problem because my eye appt. is running late anyway. So she decides to still come into town so she can get the check data and I can spend some time with Ryen. They walk out the door and she locks all her keys inside the house. So now she’s locked outside the house without keys to the car or the house. Genius. So that cancel’s that trip. Again, not a big deal. I got a nice walk home from Nu’uanu. But annoying none the less.

Today was another last minute deal, she brought the kid into town because she had signed up to read to his class. After she was done reading they came by my apartment and we took the kid to Fun Factory. He enjoys it. So we find out way, after a missed turn and a couple of wrong lanes, to Market City, where we spend 20 minutes in a craft store where Ryen’s getting antsy and I’m losing time that could be spend doing something that either involves the kid or involves getting something productive done. This started to annoy me but fine, shrug it off, because at least I get to spend some time with Ryen. We go through Fun Factory, which is honestly a place I don’t really tend to like much anyway. It’s usually noisy and I go because Ryen enjoys it. Renell likes it, because she ends up playing the games to win him tickets. I pretty much just follow him around and put tokens in machines (or in this case, swipe cards) and collect any tickets he wins. That whole deal is also tolerable. Afterwards we try to find someplace to eat. Again keeping in mind it’s supposed to be about Ryen, we ask where he wants to eat, he says Zippy’s but they don’t have one there, or close by. Se she decides on Gina’s which is Korean food. Okay fine. She decides on a mini family pack which was supposed to be “less than two plates” but ended up costing me just about $20. As we’re waiting for the food to come we try to find some seats. The tables have three seats on either side of a long table. So here comes the part where I did something stupid. Now it’s pretty hard to share a mean across three people, so it makes sense to have one person sit on the other side of the table. She’s not going to feed him so I figure I’d sit next to him and she’d sit on the other side. She disagreed and started giving me shit. So I left. I walked out of the place and walked home. I didn’t say goodbye to Ryen, I just said, “See you later” to both of them and walked out.


Blogger makagirl said...

So, what's the stupid thing that you did? You didn't say goodbye to Ryen? I'm proud that you didn't cause a scene (which isn't your style anyway), and I'm proud that, while she was pissing you off to high heaven, you did your best to shrug it off and let it be. It was, afterall, about Ryen and you - but Renell fails to understand that time and time again. Anyway, I'm proud of you. Ryen won't understand what's going on, so you should make sure he knows how much you love him and whatever happened the other day isn't his fault. He'll only know what Renell tells him, and we both know how messed up that can be. Lean on me when you need me, you tons! :)

4:50 AM  
Blogger rpalmeira said...

the stupid thing I did was not say goodbye to Ryen. I just left, which was good because I had the walk home to cool off, but not so good because walking away from shit is what she usually does and I don't like the concept of adopting the bad habits (that I usually get pissed off by) of people I ususally get pissed off by.

8:53 AM  

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