My Recovery and Other Things You Don't Care About

The steps and stages in my recovery from surgery and the end of a six year relationship that resulting in my wonderful son

Location: Around. Honolulu mostly., Hawaii, United States

I'm an insomniac. It leads to a number of different, interesting things.

Monday, January 02, 2006

A Thank You, Insomnia and Music

I once again can’t find myself asleep and I was thinking again. I want to say thank you to someone who helped me through the period in which I was feeling self destructive. Lately the slump I’ve been in is because I didn’t have that same positive light around. I’m not sure whether she reads this, I doubt it, but if you do, thank you. For trying to get me to stop internalizing shit, for trying to get me to think a little more freely, for trying to remind me that sometimes the random and the improvised is the best. I hope your New Year brings you peace, happiness, joy and love. I remain in your debt. I also have a belated Christmas present for you.

Sleep is an odd thing, I suppose. I was up late last night (well early Sun. morning really) and I slept in on Sunday, which I’m sure is part of the reason why I can’t fall asleep tonight, but I have a bunch of stuff to do on Monday. I have to head off to CompUSA in the morning (I think they open at 9) to pick up some network stuff. I thought I had a spare wireless router around here for my dad, turns out it was a regular wired router, but CompUSA has a wireless on sale for $3 after rebate, so I’m going to go pick up one of those. I also have to submit a few forms and fill out some other forms and get some other bullshit work done in the morning. I’ve made some plans for Tuesday to help out at Kam then go over and fix Walter’s computer and/or network depending on which it is that’s broken, so I want to get all this done before then.

Lastly and someone more appropriately since It’s been recurring, my digital music collection is growing and I’m quite happy. There’s a lot of great music out there if you know where to find it. At the moment, I’ve got iTunes mixing a bunch of songs, everything from Joe Purdy to Edwin McCain and Eva Cassidy to Kelly Clarkson (who by the way has an amazing voice for rock music). I’ve come to realize that I have a very odd taste in music. I have a remake here of the song Straight Outta Compton done as a folk song by Nina Gordon and a song called Rewind that I’ve been playing a lot lately by a band called Granian, I’ve got instrumental by Bernie Williams (as in MLB Yankee Centerfielder and classically trained guitarist) and blues from Robert Cray. The only common theme among the songs is that they all carry some message (even the instrumental). The message varies but for the most part it’s all got a nice story to tell and I appreciate that.  That is part of what makes the thank you above meaningful to me. There was a time that I needed someone to help me write part of the song and help me tell the story and I appreciate that effort. Gracci.


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