My Recovery and Other Things You Don't Care About

The steps and stages in my recovery from surgery and the end of a six year relationship that resulting in my wonderful son

Location: Around. Honolulu mostly., Hawaii, United States

I'm an insomniac. It leads to a number of different, interesting things.

Monday, January 02, 2006

It's The Small Things That Count

It might seem kind of stupid, but my watch band broke the day before I left for Kona. The whole time I was there I didn’t have my watch. I didn’t get a replacement band for it until the day after I got back to Honolulu. The catch was that the pins that came with the band didn’t quite fit properly so I didn’t actually get the new watch band on until this evening. So for about the past two weeks I haven’t had my watch. Normally I would have been agitated enough to fix it, but I’ve been getting by with my cell phone. Still it’s nice to have my watch back. It’s almost like a small restoration of normalcy. Now yes, it’s stupid, but the small things like this count.

Other little things matter too. I drank too much on New Years Eve and stayed up far too late into the morning of the first drinking what will hopefully be the last of my tequila for the year. I saw another sunrise, though I was buzzing enough that by the time I saw it, it didn’t depress me nearly as much as seeing another sunrise normally would.

On another positive note, I think I finally have my uncle’s computer running stable again. Seems like it might also have a faulty power supply, so I want to run a stress test on it, leave it running for a day or two, but at the very least everything is back to normal. Interesting though, between my neighbor, my friends and my family, I’ve done quite a bit of pro bono work since I’ve been back from Kona. Well sort of pro bono, I generally ended up doing it for meals and drink so I guess it’s not totally free and I’m happy.

Meanwhile the job search continues and I have a few more places to drop a resume at. I’ve heard back from a couple and some leads look relatively promising, I guess I’m just tired of working for myself. The flexible schedule is nice, but the benefits suck, and the retirement plan leaves much to be desired (


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