My Recovery and Other Things You Don't Care About

The steps and stages in my recovery from surgery and the end of a six year relationship that resulting in my wonderful son

Location: Around. Honolulu mostly., Hawaii, United States

I'm an insomniac. It leads to a number of different, interesting things.

Sunday, June 21, 2009

more odd treams

I've been having these recurring dreams again. This time it's like something out of a sci fi movie. It actually takes place in three different time periods and I keep jumping between. In different times I'm doing different tasks. In the later periods it's like I have a mission to try and kill someone. I'm going around causing all kinds of mayhem and destruction. planting explosives, carrying a sig 9mm. In the earlier periods it seems to be about putting this latter plan into motion. Like I'm working against a group of people who are trying to stop my ultimate goal so this jumping between time periods is in some effort to continue carrying out my assassination. It's kind of trippy. Like the things I might have done years in the past come back to have some specific impact now....I think I watched the series finale of Lost too many times.


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