My Recovery and Other Things You Don't Care About

The steps and stages in my recovery from surgery and the end of a six year relationship that resulting in my wonderful son

Location: Around. Honolulu mostly., Hawaii, United States

I'm an insomniac. It leads to a number of different, interesting things.

Tuesday, December 06, 2005

Posting Less Often and a Weekend Story...oh and Rob Costlow CD's

I think I'm starting to get to the point where I can post less often. This is a good thing. It means my acceptance level is improving. It still sucks but it's getting better.

So I got quasi kidnapped Friday evening. It was a good. A weekend of totally random and spontaneous activities. I'll have to take my camera if we go do stuff again. We had some good music and improv and food and just a generally nice experience. It was a great diversion from my typical routine and got me away from the rut that I've been running in for a while. It's proven to me that this is something I need to do more often. I've been sitting at home moping for too long. Hell two days would have been too long and it's now been over a month. It still hurts, but I think I'm getting better on the road of recovery and feeling better because of it. I'm not usually a happy person. I'm a realist, but an optimist and I prefer to believe the best of people and of myself, but that doesn't usually make me a happy person. This weekend was....For lack of a more descriptive term, nice. It was good to get out of the routine, throw a few unexpected turns into the mix and roll through the fallout of it all. It was one of those necessary steps of progress that tells you that things will be okay, despite the way it may seem to be right now.

And finally, my Rob Costlow CD's came in the mail today. $23 bucks for 2 CD's but it's some of the nicest solo piano music I've heard in a while. Thanks goes to podcasting for introducing me to the music. I strongly encourage people to take a listen, the CD's are incredible. Just the right thing for relaxing in the evening or playing while I'm cooking. Check the PodsafePodsafe Music Network If you want to listen to a few tracks. I suggest you start with "I do" and "LA/Passing By" but they're all good. Anyway, so my CD's came and I've had them playing a few times tonight. They're on right now and they'll be on as I fall asleep, if I fall asleep, this evening (or early morning to be technically accurate)


Blogger rahian2k said...

Posting less often.... aren't we all? losing the first rush i guess...

12:56 AM  
Blogger makagirl said...

So, you kept referencing weekend activities, but never explained what happened. Inquiring minds want to know...WHAT HAPPENED?!?! I want to know what made this weekend so much more than weekends in the past. I'm glad for you. I'm happy that you're getting out and doing more and being alive again. I'm glad that there is something that moves you - especially that it's music. I'm just all around happy that you're realizing that you're phenomenal and that life isn't at its end. I love you buckets and rejoice with you that things are beginning to turn around!

10:00 AM  
Blogger rpalmeira said...

Yep rahi, that first rush is over. A lot of it had to do with my extended downtime. Now that I'm at least back in action to some extent, the time is better spent keeping busy than being remiss.

Inquiring minds eh Mak's? I'll put up more detail in another post soon. I'm trying to remember the order of events and I'm busy with the end of term as well as finally getting caught up with the work that piled up while I was out in Nov. Thankfully it wasn't too much overload.

Things are turning around I suppose and that's the important part. Those feelings of depression still come about. I still have my hand shaking from time to time, but it's getting better all the time (unintended Beatles reference). I love you buckets too mom.

10:31 AM  

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