My Recovery and Other Things You Don't Care About

The steps and stages in my recovery from surgery and the end of a six year relationship that resulting in my wonderful son

Location: Around. Honolulu mostly., Hawaii, United States

I'm an insomniac. It leads to a number of different, interesting things.

Wednesday, March 28, 2007

You can always tell it's going to be a bad day from your dreams the night before

For example, last night I slept on my couch and had the weirdest dream. Not that I can remember much of it at this point, but I was grocery shopping. Names I hadn't neard in years were popping into the dream. Names I wish I hadn't heard in years were popping into the dream. Basically I once again woke up feeling a combination of angry and sad. Neither of which is a good way to wake up and neither of which is a good way to start a day.

Tuesday, March 20, 2007

been a while

It's been some time since I've posted anything and even longer, something of any consequence. Not much going on lately. Work's about it. Haven't seen Ryen in a couple of weeks. Running out of hard drive space on the external drives. Probably need to pickup a bigger drive. Not a whole lot going on. Got a few new job prospects. Some close by, some kinda far. Joined a dating service for no good reason other than insomnia kept me up at 3AM. The eye's are doing okay, I lost one of my eyedrops the other day, need to go pick up a new Rx. It was getting low anyway. Been tired a lot lately. Lots of things jumbling around in my head, but nothing organized yet. States for speech is coming up, I'll be judging again. Kam on thurs and fri, Punahou on Sat. some time in April around tax day. I'm eating orange chicken for dinner. Not bad. Anything else to say? nope.

Tuesday, March 13, 2007

it's 3:30 am, what are you doing right now?

me? i'm being insomniatic and trying to go to sleep but not having much luck. so now i'm rambling on and wasting time on the interwebs because i have nothing better to do....this is what heppens when i run out of bushmills.

work's been getting a little better. a little more reasonable. I'm still not sure how soon I'm going to be leaving. I told them I'd be around through the launch of the hosted project, that seems to be going on track. I'd say another two or three months before they release it. at while point i have no idea what i'll be doing. had an offer (sort of) on Maui, another couple offers on the west coast. not sure where i even want to be at this point.

hitting that annual doldrums again. Feels like i'm just drifting. That and i have to do my taxes.