My Recovery and Other Things You Don't Care About

The steps and stages in my recovery from surgery and the end of a six year relationship that resulting in my wonderful son

Location: Around. Honolulu mostly., Hawaii, United States

I'm an insomniac. It leads to a number of different, interesting things.

Sunday, February 26, 2006

Rain, Soup and Sleep

It was a tiring week. Lots of stuff to do and not much sleep. I think I was back to about an hour and a half a day from Tues. through Sat. I was pretty exhausted by Sat. night. I went to sleep about about 1 AM and I got a ton of rest on Sunday.

I had planned on going to the beach but the weather sucks. So I slept in. I went to sleep at about 1 AM, got up for a couple of of minutes around 3 when it started raining, but went back to sleep. Got up at about 430, made a pot of miso soup for breakfast, ate the soup, went back to sleep around 6, then pretty much slept straight through until 430 in the afternoon. I feel reasonably well rested. It was really good soup.

Work tomorrow should be interesting. I have the last of an online training session with Adtran then training for the metaswitch from Tues. through the end of the week. Also a speech thing next Fri. and Sat. Looks to be another long week.

Thursday, February 23, 2006

Busy Work and Law

Lots of work and podcasting related work lately. But as an update, for those of you who read this (all of what? 2, maybe 3 people?) and actually care, the Ninth Circuit has granted en banc review in the Doe v. Kam case. Amsuing and engaging at least.

Monday, February 20, 2006

slow weekend

friday after i got pissed, i got drunk, which ironically, i've been told the aussie slang term for is "getting pissed" so i guess i got pissed off, then just pissed.

i've decided that 6 double scotchews (bushmills) is both too expensive and too much in one sitting at a bar. other than that, it's been a slow weekend. I meant to get some writing done, that i haven't yet done. I've gotten the ideas recorded in audio, but now i have to type them up.

also, i need to remember to post the funnier ones to the other blog

Friday, February 17, 2006


Work has been going pretty well by the way. Keeps me busy. The new switch is almost installed. I got the videoconferencing gear up and running behind firewalls, etc. I still have to document it but it works. Surprisingly better than I had expected to be honest.

When the new circuits come in, I'm the first beta tester so I get to break shit. That starts next week. I also have an eye appt. next week, but not until Tues. Monday is a holiday so I get a three day weekend. Yay for alcohol.

Money is a mothefucker

So I got home just now. Cashed my first check from the new job. I'm quite happy with it. I also came home to find that my credit card statment came. I get a notice for this particular account emailed to me for convenience and just pay it online.

It so happens that a few months before she moved out I put Renell's name on one of my cards, this particular one, for use in emergencies. It doesn't carry any balance of mine because I normally use either my Discover or my Visa. They earn points so, yay! The balance was a little under $4,000. All from Renell. When she left, I took the card back so she hasn't been able to use it. Apparently, HPU had the card on file and used it when she bought her books, but they gave her the wrong book so she wanted to charge it back. So I gave her the card back on monday (which was Ryen's birthday). As I checked the statement balance this evening (well just now) it's at $4,600. Yes, that means that in less than a week she racked up $600 in purchases. Mostly to Paypal. Go figure. Happily, I make more than that in a week at work. Unhappily she still has the fucking card. I should drop by and pick it up from her. Nothing better to do on a friday right? Well drinking but I do that every night.

Money is a fucker and she's just a sneaky bitch. Man I fucking hate people

Monday, February 13, 2006

I hate people

Seriously, I just fucking hate people. I try to be relatively considerate. I think I'm a pretty considerate person, but honestly, I just get so fucking pissed off sometimes. Fuck people. People suck. They suck real fucking hard.

I was once told that you should expect the least from people and provide the best of yourself. I don't know about the latter, but the former is definitely goddamn true. The sad fucking part though is that when you expect the least from people they usually goddamn deliver. And if you expect more, then you're fucking disappointed on top of that.


Sunday, February 12, 2006

My Laundry is Boring

Some people have very interesting things in their laundy. I have work cloths a few T-Shirts and a pair of mismatched socks. Oh well, It's been a tiring week and even more tiring weekend so I don't really give a shit at this point.

Work is going well, I'm still adjusting to office life. I'm not used to the normal 8-5 kind of day. It's a weird adjustment. I'm still wating to get some testing equiptment installed to start the real detailed stuff. Until then, it's a lot of documentation and paperwork. Which is fine for now, it gives me some lead-in and training time.

But I went from work Friday to a speech/debate tournament, was there until about midnight Friday and then was back the whole day Saturday. I probably got home around 9 Sat. night. Some of it was quite fun. Sat. for example I was running the extemp prep room and we made a big ball of duct tape from all the kam extemp boxes. It was a pretty good sized ball of tape. Some of it, not so much fun. But things went smoothly. There's another one coming up in a couple of weeks at Iolani, but I'm pretty sure it's debate only, so hopefully it'll be easier.

So it's been a long week and I'm tired. Any my legs are sore. Had a weird conversation with Renell on Thursday evening. Something to the effect of she had a fight with Rick and wanted to know if she could drink at my apt. on Sat. (her birthday) if she didn't make up with him by then. No call on saturday so I guess they're fine. Still, kind of fucked up request.

Alrighty, I'm off to go finish a bottle of wine and have a piece of pie. Chocolate haupia pie from Ted's Bakery. Rock on.


I went to sleep last night around 1 AM, got up around 5 (which by itself is four hours and pretty good for my normal sleep pattern), ate breakfast (leftover bento from a speech thing this weekend) watched the latest Battlestar Galactica then went back to sleep around 9 and just woke up now at about 1:30 which is another four and a half hours. In total since last night I got 8 and a 1/2 hours of sleep. This is somewhere between two and four times the normal amount of sleep I get and I'm still fucking tired. And my legs are sore. And my neck is fucking killing me. And I feel like I could sleep even more, but it's going to fuck up my work schedule now. Shit need to go to laundry. More in a bit.

Tuesday, February 07, 2006

New job

It's nice to have a "normal" job again. The fact that I have an office and I'm someone's bitch isn't the greatest but it's a good job, nice people and very interesting material. I did just find out that the guy I work with is leaving soon and the overhead on getting up to speed on the projects is kind of steep but it's good, I work better under some pressure.

So far things are going well, I'm enjoying it. We'll see how sweet the first paycheck is. Until then, it's pretty much nose to the grindstone. Almost literally in my case, as I have that bad habit of reading without the glasses so I'm pretty damn close to the monitor.

On a nice note, my work machine is a laptop so I can take it home if I need to and I have admin access to it (locally) so I can install the things I need.

Wednesday, February 01, 2006


The start date for my new job is coming up sooner than planned. I guess I'm starting to stress out over it. For the first time in a while, I bummed a smoke off of some lady I passed by on the street. I don't know why, perhaps just for this particular reason, but I carry a lighter with me most of the time, even though I don't smoke.

I realize the stress is rather stupid and natural, still I'm apprehensive. There was a study released last week that I covered on one of my other blogs about how sex is supposed to relieve stress and make you give better speeches and shit. Perhaps I just need to get laid? Supposedly the effects last for a few days. Kind of amusing but not particularly surprising. It's amazing what people can spend time and research grant money on.