My Recovery and Other Things You Don't Care About

The steps and stages in my recovery from surgery and the end of a six year relationship that resulting in my wonderful son

Location: Around. Honolulu mostly., Hawaii, United States

I'm an insomniac. It leads to a number of different, interesting things.

Tuesday, September 19, 2006

One of those days.....

There are those sickening points in life at which you pretty much just want to curl up into a little ball and die. That was today. Not only am I getting sick, but the people who annoy me the most are ecstatically happy.

Plus its cruddy weather so pretty much everything is depressing right now. And yes, I do realize I work too much.

Thursday, September 07, 2006

Ekolu on PCH!

so there's a podcast called Pacific Coast Helllway that I used to write for. Granted that was before work got all crazy and I started putting in 50-60 hour weeks. Hopefully I'll get back to normal again soon.

Anyway, as I'm sitting here writing to this I'm listening to the group Ekolu playing on PCH which is just damn cool since the podcast gets worldwide distribution and has a pretty big following.

And ok, so Planet Siliconia head asshat Mark can't actually pronounce the name of the band correctly, it's still damn cool. That I'm behind on listening since this came out on 4 Sept.

link: to the show and to PCH. Take a look if you get a chance. It's a kick.

Nice to see some local talent from Hawaii getting some podplay. Rock on. Or I guess since it's more chill rock isn't really appropriate but groove on makes me sound 1) really fucking old and 2) lame.

Monday, September 04, 2006


Communication is a large part of my life. I used to make a living doing data networks which are created for communicatin. I currently for for a telecommunications provider. I coach speech and debate which means I goddamn teach communication. Maybe I just suck at it.

For whatever reason, I can't seem to figure out how to communicate with Ryen's mom. Ideas simply do not flow. It's frustrating in part because I can't seem to communicate. More so because things always end in such a way that I'm just pissed off for no decent reason.

Ryen was over yesterday. We spent the afternoon at Ala Moana, they came back here. They spent the night at Rick's rather than here. They were supposed to come back this morning but ended up coming back around 130. If that's not a clue, it went downhill from there.

So once again, things are confused, frustrating and generally pissing me off. I fucking love communication

The Mall

I fucking hate the mall. I don't like crowds, I don't like overpaying for shit, I don't like standing in line behind a bunch of fucking people so lost they couldn't fine their way out of luck, let alone out of the fucking Banana Republic. So as I found myself stuck in the Mall today paying $50 for half a subway sandwich and $5 for a little plastic cup filled with mediocre chocolate chip cookies I was pissed off as normal. Now of course my ex, who happened to be the reason I was stuck at the fucking mall (long story, not nearly enough energy or alcohol to go into it) turns to me and says "oh lighten up, I realize you don't like malls but you it doesn't happen that often." You know what bitch, I don't get shot that often either and the fact that it doesn't happen that often doesn't make it okay when I do. The next time some puts a .45 slug in my shoulder, I'm not going to be all fucking cheery and say "ah well, it doesn't happen that often." I'm going to go to the fucking hospital and have to shoot me full of painkillers before they pull a hollowpoint out of my rotator cuff. And in all honesty, from this afternoon, I think I'd rather do that than stand in line behind another douchebag at The GAP.