My Recovery and Other Things You Don't Care About

The steps and stages in my recovery from surgery and the end of a six year relationship that resulting in my wonderful son

Location: Around. Honolulu mostly., Hawaii, United States

I'm an insomniac. It leads to a number of different, interesting things.

Saturday, December 19, 2009


So I lost my phone today. I blame lack of sleep but whatever. So I went to the Sprint retail store to get a new phone, but then I found out that I'm out of contract with Sprint so I did the unthinkable. I got an iPhone. Now this goes against every ingrained notion I have. First off, I usually get the phone that comes free with the plan. To pay for a phone is goddamn absurd to me. Second, it's an iPhone. The thought of buying a piece of tech and not giving money to Bill Gates sees just wrong...and then to give it to Steve Jobs instead. That's just sacrilege. But I've accepted it under some conditions.

So, here are the rules that go with my new iPhone.

1)You will, within 30 seconds of leaving the store, drop the entire fucking box in the koi pond at Ala Moana.

2)You will then, out of fear for your new phone, quickly rip it out of the box and pray that you didn't just piss away a $100

3)You will then thank the fucking gods for that little plastic strip and then drop the phone onto cement as you remove the plastic strip.

4)You will jailbreak this phone within 24 hours, not because AT&T is so horrible but just to say you jailbroke the phone.

5)You will install a VoIP app on the phone so that you can make cheap calls and fuck AT&T and their minutes.

6)You will NOT shit and text at the same time. You will NOT be that guy.

7) You will play Pocket God a lot. And at inappropriate times. Because they're no better time to feel like a wrathful, furious supreme being to a bunch of stupid natives than during 8 AM Monday morning team meetings.

Monday, December 14, 2009

checking in.

It's been a while since I've written anything here. I'm sure that as I write this, I'm forgetting things, but I'm up early today (went to sleep early) so now I find myself with time to think. While I listen to Max Brooks' World War Z, I'm reflecting a little on the past few weeks.

Significant changes with work. I'm not sure how to think about that. I've been asking for change but the particulars of re-organization have put me in a place, I'm not necessarily sure I'm comfortable with. I've given my word to give it six months so we'll see how it goes.

Got a call from Dad last night. He opened an account for Ryen which is nice. I'm guessing that means it was done from a branch on Kauai where he's still working (Sat. and Sun. too apparently). I should probably add in the money I've been saving as well but I don't think I will. I'll hold on to what I have for a few more years I think.

I spend Thanksgiving this year in Kona, was hoping to spend Christmas there as well. I've got a little over a week off from work from the 24'th so I was planning on going to Kona. Or maybe California. Maybe not, I guess I need to learn when something is over.

All in all I suppose everything is stable. Not bad, not necessarily good, but stable and I need to get back on track with changes.

To start I need to get some ant bait, because seriously, the goddamn ants are annoying me right now. They don't bite, but it's a tone of those little fucking ants and they're driving me nuts. I can feel them climbing on my feet when I walk into the bathroom in the morning and I'll see them if I don't clean the kitchen counter right away. It's driving me nuts. I'll do something about that today.