quarter life crisis
I have a conference call tomorrow morning for work. Hopefully it goes well. LD will need to get a router replaced. It should go smooth.
I got to have dinner with Ryan tonight. He finally got to open everybody's Christmas presents which was nice. By far one of the more civil evenings I've had with Renell in a while. Ryan's doing pretty well. Towards the end of the evening right before he fell asleep he had an itch in his eye so there was a bit of a struggle to put some eye drops in. Clear Eyes kind of stuff, no medication but I guess he had a bad experience with some allergy eye drops before so he was scared. It caused some....hesitation on his part. We finally got the drop in though. Then he fell asleep.
Other than that work's been hectic again lately. It's always some minor crisis or another. It's still interesting work, I still like the company. It's just a fundamental disagreement on what we should be. I still think the Starbucks guy was right, we need to be a people company. Where Starbucks isn't really a coffee company, they're a people company that just happens to sell coffee, we should be a people company that just happens to sell voice and data services. And I don't see that going on.
Not sure what to do. Ryan doesn't want me to go. I asked him about it after dinner. Renell's indifferent and I have a feeling that when I start pushing for joint custody things will go downhill there. I don't know. Maybe I just need a change. Something needs to change.