My Recovery and Other Things You Don't Care About

The steps and stages in my recovery from surgery and the end of a six year relationship that resulting in my wonderful son

Location: Around. Honolulu mostly., Hawaii, United States

I'm an insomniac. It leads to a number of different, interesting things.

Wednesday, September 26, 2007

Treading Water

A I write this the sky is still dark. For the second time in as many weeks I’ve not slept. Generally it wouldn’t be that big of an issue, and it’s not that big of an issue now except that it annoys me that I can’t sleep. Usually there’s a reason I can pin it to. Stress from work or Renell or whatever, but lately I should be content. There’s nothing pressing that’s capturing my mind right now and nothing that’s excessively stressing me out.

At some point in the near future decisions do need to be amade about what direction my career will be headed in, but I can leave those discussions. For now, I’m content to run the normal patterns of life and see what happens.

It seems like even through I’m getting things done, all I’m doing is treading water. I don’t seem to make progress overall. Don’t get me wrong, I appreciate the progress that’s being made on different fronts. I’ve got the home laptop and servers setup and running,,. I’ve got the domain names I needed to register, but there’s still so many things left to do. And when I see the list it never appears to be getting much shorter, only getting longer. It only appears to be working in the opposite direction that I need it to be working in.

Mass craziness though. I can barely hold a cohesive through in my head. I have a feeling today will be a long day. The sun is coming up now and not that it’s a bad thing. To the contrary, it’s quite good that things are still going. I guess I’m just tired. Got a John Mayer song stuck in my head now. Better than what it previously was I suppose.

Thursday, September 13, 2007

Fun term of the day - wasta

Arabic term meaning influence through networking, graft, kickbacks, etc.

One of the hidden forces behind Arab society. Also the name the of a town in South Dakota. Go Figure.

Wednesday, September 12, 2007

Holding pattern

It's been another long week at work. I'm in a holding pattern for the moment while some possible changes take place, but I'm just tired. Tired of the hassles and the crap and hoping for change.

On a side note, I had Ryen's doctor's office call my cell yesterday because Renell didn't pay one of the insurance bills. Since the insurance is under my name they called me. How nice of them. I didn't even know who the doctor was. Oh well. Talked to Ryen the other morning as well. Hadn't heard from him in about a week and nobody answers their goddamn phone. Pointless to leave a message too.

bought a bunch of domain names last night. Still have to renew the ones I was going to by. Considered buying "plnisucks" but didn't Mostly because I spent $100+ buying the ones I wanted for a three year term.

so tired of all this crap.

Friday, September 07, 2007

Soooo Tired

Maui was a long, long day. some of it good, some of it not as good, but overall productive. I'm just so freakin' exhausted. I'm actually too tired to sleep right now. Does that even make sense?

Who knows?, at this point I'm just brain dead, the only thing I'm thinking about now is that every song is like a little story but with a beat. That doesn't make any sense either. I'm just tired. Too tired to open a bottle of scotch, too annoyed to response to many more work emails that I missed today, too tired to do anything but sit and just bleh.

Thursday, September 06, 2007

Week in Review

Have you ever had one of those days or weeks, or whatever, where you're hoping all day to talk to someone? been soft of like that this week....

And evn though it was a short week (monday off, woot) it's been pretty long. I'm on Maui tomorrow all day working with some people from LD on getting the phones in working order. My guess is that it's more user training than actual technical issues, though the technical issues may also be there.

Got a couple interesting books from Amazon, one is improvised door lock bypassing (picks, etc.) which should be a good read. Another is a book called Grace Under Fire which is essentially a bunch of letters written by soldiers during times of war. The premise of the book is around faith but the letters themselves are touching (in a non-pussy way) and overall it's a good book. The last one is called Other People's Money and it's essentially the story of a con artist. Non-fiction but again interesting reading from a security perspective.

The rest is the normal hustle and bustle of life. May be taking a trip to Canada soon, we'll see. Some interesting developments at work and some other interesting opportunities. I also need to renew my domain names because they're coming up on expiring this month. Blargh. Always something I suppose

I didn't get to see Ryen this weekend, Nobody answers the phone at Renell's parents house (which is where Ryen was) so hopefully I'll be able to setup something for this weekend. I almost feel bad about wishing bad things, but only almost. I still don't feel vidicated and thus feel no guilt :)