My Recovery and Other Things You Don't Care About

The steps and stages in my recovery from surgery and the end of a six year relationship that resulting in my wonderful son

Location: Around. Honolulu mostly., Hawaii, United States

I'm an insomniac. It leads to a number of different, interesting things.

Sunday, December 23, 2007

Movie Weekend

There was a movie made recently called Stardust which though a bit cheesy was well written and well made. You kinda had to read the book it was based on to get some of the stuff in it. For example there's a bunch of dead ghosts following around some of the main characters which don't quite make sense in the movie unless you read the book it was based on. But overall it was very good.

The funny thing about it was that it made it think about one of my favorite moves from when I was younger, The Princess Bride. Yeah it's also a bit cheesy but come on, Andre the Giant, good writing and still done well in a time when CGI didn't exist. 

I guess what really gets me is that even though these are movies that aren't my typical genre favorites, they rank right up there with some of my favorite movies like Foolproof. Princess Bride and Stardust are both entertaining, appropriate for families, are decent date movies and are still able to keep my attention both in story and in acting. Anyway, just a thought, but the movies were good. Kind of makes me want to go and track down a DVD of Princess Bride though since I haven't seen it in a while.

Friday, December 21, 2007

Christmas poem

‘Twas the week before Christmas, and sitting in his apartment
Reid sat and pondered, how fast this year came and went
Some friends have got new kids, and mine’s almost seven.
That makes me feel old, oh good Lord in heaven.

But things have gone well, won employee of the year
Found this thing called Chimay, my new favorite beer.
No current girlfriend, but a couple new ex’s
Got to travel for work, even spent time in Texas

Still haven’t been arrested under the DMCA
But Beowulf sucked, I downloaded that yesterday
Some of my writing got published, which was kind of cool
But all I got for it was a t-shirt, so I’m kinda the fool

And sitting here I realize I’ve got too much free time
I got to write this all out, even made it rhyme
So I’m off to make dinner in this waning evening light
Merry Christmas to all and to all a good night.

Saturday, December 15, 2007


So I got to see Ryen today. I just got home in fact. Not a good day though. His mother still followed us around Ala Moana...with her mother. So basically I had my son and we were stalked by two angry harpies all morning. It was good though we did get him some pants which he needed, and I got to scope out some stuff for Christmas.

Other than work, things have been going well. Days at work are keeping up with the norm, namely still long. I was hoping they would shorten in Dec. but a bunch of little things are keeping me busy.

It's been a little cold in the evenings lately which is a welcome rarity. But kind of a bumme since I don't have anyone to share it with lately. Oh well.

Tuesday, December 11, 2007

Kenji's funeral....

I went to a funeral today for sort of a friend of the family. He died rather suddenly and he was only a year or two older than me. Scray thought I suppose, but it does make me think.

There's an exercise I did once for a writing class that was to write your own obituary. I think over the next couple of days I'll expand it. I'll write my own obit if I died tomorrow, my own obit for when I die and I think I'll write my own eulogy. That should be interesting.

Monday, December 10, 2007

Ryen's Christmas concert

Also, Ryen's Christmas concert was this weekend. It was nice to see him but that place was packed. It was seriously a fire hazard. He sang two songs. One at the begining which was nice because I got to spend some time with him in his classroom after, and one at the end that I got to stay for then I bolted right after so I could avoid the rush of people afterwards. His mom only stayed for the first part. That place was seriously packed.

Employee of the year...but not as funny and the blondes aren't as hot

So I was awarded employee of the year at the Christmas dinner the company held which I didn't go to. Got a nice certificate for a two day neighbor island vacation and some cash (so yeah, a couple nice bottles of wine or scotch).

It's actually very nice to be so well regarded but I was jokng today that I should threaten to quit more often. Over the past few month's I've been joking that considering how many toes I'm stepping on I'm either going to get employee of the year or get fired. I have to say I'm quite surprised it was the former and not the latter. Happily surprised, but surprised none the less. Especially since I've still been putting off giving a final anwer to a couople of on-hold job offers. Oh well, times are what they are and I'm happy to receive the award. It comes with a nice plaque and everything. Which reminds me, I need to see a dentist. It's been a while.

And on that final tie in back to a Dane Cook movie (bonus points if you can tell me the opening movie tie in and the closing movie tie in without reading it) I'm going to close.

Dane Cook, was in Employee of the Year with Jessica Simpson
Also in Good Luck Chuck with Jessica Alba (where he played a dentist)
Further trivia: I have no shot wither either Jessica yet I'm pretty sure I'm funnier than Dane Cook. Go Figure.

Sunday, December 09, 2007

If at some point

If at some point I should find myself being a survivor to a horde of zombies, I should be well prepared. Once again last night I have a very odd series of dreams. It started with zombies attacking us. And like the many dreams before this one which were not predicated by watching the movie 28 Days Later, it provided me the opportunity to plan escape and evade tactics and attack strategies. Plus if the zombies do come, I'll have a sword. From what I remember it took place at my grandmother's house and in the surrounding neighborhood.

The second part of the dream that I remember I was going with Renell to have lunch with Ryen. The only notable part about the drream is that as we were walking down the street some guy starts hitting on her and I laugh uncontrollably. The memorable line there was him saying "you're a good sized woman", which was what caused me to laugh uncontrollably.

At that point he though we were together and explained that we weren't and that he should feel free to hit on her which he did. At the end of the segment of the dream we're about to walk into the restaurant with Ryen I tell him that she's knocked up and I get the blank reaction back. Which causes me to laugh uncontrollably again.

While this was only a dream I have to imagine that things would pretty much play out the smae in real life. Especially with the zombies.