Some people have very interesting things in their laundy. I have work cloths a few T-Shirts and a pair of mismatched socks. Oh well, It's been a tiring week and even more tiring weekend so I don't really give a shit at this point.
Work is going well, I'm still adjusting to office life. I'm not used to the normal 8-5 kind of day. It's a weird adjustment. I'm still wating to get some testing equiptment installed to start the real detailed stuff. Until then, it's a lot of documentation and paperwork. Which is fine for now, it gives me some lead-in and training time.
But I went from work Friday to a speech/debate tournament, was there until about midnight Friday and then was back the whole day Saturday. I probably got home around 9 Sat. night. Some of it was quite fun. Sat. for example I was running the extemp prep room and we made a big ball of duct tape from all the kam extemp boxes. It was a pretty good sized ball of tape. Some of it, not so much fun. But things went smoothly. There's another one coming up in a couple of weeks at Iolani, but I'm pretty sure it's debate only, so hopefully it'll be easier.
So it's been a long week and I'm tired. Any my legs are sore. Had a weird conversation with Renell on Thursday evening. Something to the effect of she had a fight with Rick and wanted to know if she could drink at my apt. on Sat. (her birthday) if she didn't make up with him by then. No call on saturday so I guess they're fine. Still, kind of fucked up request.
Alrighty, I'm off to go finish a bottle of wine and have a piece of pie. Chocolate haupia pie from Ted's Bakery. Rock on.